California Pit bull Rescue

and they all lived...

Dawn now Lily was scheduled for death because shelter life was killing her spirit. Now her energy is spent making her new moms' days bright and fun.

Kody, abandoned tied to a street pole, is living a life of comfort with her new mom.

Raider was pulled last minute from death row and now spends his days as the apple of his daddy's eye.

Tonto/Bonobo, a street stray hit by a car, was rescued by a great samaritan -- the pin in his leg doesn't stop him from being the new toast of San Francisco with his doting mom & dad.

Nora's (on right) shyness was her death sentence in the shelter - now she blossoms and smiles with her mom, dad and brother.

Sweet Daisy Mae was a street stray, emaciated and jittery. Now her mom & dad spoil her rotten with trips, hikes and shopping sprees.
Little Miss Moo was tied up and abandoned with her sister. Luckily, compassionate rescuers saved them both and now Moo has her perfect forever home :)

Daisy's brother Duke found his own joy with dog-bro Tony and a house full of loving Coast Guard officers including dad.

Simba now Kimba bounced around West Oakland until good Samaritans found him & networked him to CPR. Kimba graces his mom and dad with the zen joy of his special soul.

Roscoe has scars from being chained in a yard 24/7. His new dads make sure this tender dog has a life full of indoor comfort.

QT's mom found her running on a highway - and her charm was too much for her foster mom to resist - now she is a happy failed foster with a forever family.

Spicy stray Loki was saved from a life of chaos - his devoted new dad takes him everywhere and keeps the little rascal in check.

Jada now Zana (right) was about to be turned over to a shelter for euthanasia. CPR stepped in and Zana now plays all day with brother Cori in their multi-level home with gardens and grass galore.

Koda was on the "list" at a high kill Central Valley shelter when he found his way north. Now he lives happily with his sister, giving his gentle love to everyone who meets him.

Precious baby Brie was adopted by the wrong people - but now she has found her home with a loving mom and adores her sister Attila.

Bernie was a West Oakland stray who decided to find some people who could help him. Now this majestic tuxedo boy graces a lovely home with a large and loving family.

Misty now Kali was desperately in need of the right fit - she found it in her San Francisco mom and the two are a bonded pair.

Rex now lives with a wonderful family and a teenager that loves to paint his toenails!

Rambunctious Ricky needed help and he got it - now he's a model boy with the perfect mom who does everything right for him.

Caz ran far and wide until he finally found the home where he got all the love and care he needed...with people who stood fast by him right through his last days battling cancer.
As individuals; as long as it takes. Until they find their ever after.